IHVC 2020 International Halal Virtual Conference, held by the Halal Institute, Prince of Songkla University Thailand, with the theme:
“Halal Industry in The Time Of Covid-19”
On this occasion observers of body immunity supplements from the corona virus Dr. KH. Agus Hasan Bashori (Mudir Ma’had ‘Aliy Al-Aimmah Malang Indonesia, www.aimmah.ac.id) presented his research paper with the title:
“Drug Trafficking In The Covid-19 Crisis”
(تجارة الأدوية في أزمة فيروس كورونا)
Among the good alternatives in anticipating Covid-19, or in restoring health after being positively exposed to Covid-19 are:
1. The potion of empon-empon (turmeric, ginger (jahe), ginger (temulawak) by Prof. Nidom Surabaya.
2. Nano Boost Drink from Maja Fruit by Mr. Hariyadi Malang.
3. Cambio9 Probiotic Supplement by CSK Malang team and other cities.
Please watch the video “Presentation on Drug Trafficking in the Covid-19 Crisis”